The ABCs of REIT Preferred Stocks
By Jim Luckett, Ph.D., economics
If you want to invest in REIT preferred stocks, as suggested by Ralph Block in the accompanying article, then you’ll need the information below about risks, returns, call provisions and how to trade these odd ducks. If you need more information, then consider going to
First some basics: Read more…
Categories: Finance, investing Tags: income investing, investing, reit preferred stock, reits
Investing Rule #1 – Get the Parasites Off Your Portfolio!
By Jim Luckett, Ph.D., Economics
It amazes me that people will clip coupons to save 35 cents on a roll of toilet paper and then waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars on fees and commissions when they invest. Why? Could be:
(a) they don’t see these costs, and/or
(b) they believe the myth that you get what you pay for (not true in investing) and/or
(c) they see the fee but since it’s expressed as a tiny percentage like 1.5% they think it’s trivial.
Look for the fees: Before you buy a mutual fund, for example, find out the “load” and the annual operating expense. These have tobe prominently disclosed. The load is a sales charge. It should be zero (see next paragraph), but often it is not. The load may take a slice of your money going into the fund, or a slice when you