Posts Tagged ‘granola’

Lower Your LDL Cholesterol – Add Barley to Your Baking

Turn a health need into an opportunity. If you or someone in your family needs to reduce their LDL (bad cholesterol) and you enjoy cooking and/or baking, adding barley to your repetoire can make a real difference. Read more…

3 comments - What do you think?  Posted by arleighluckett - January 7, 2011 at 11:27 pm

Categories: Bread, Cakes and Cookies, Diet and Fitness, Health, Recipes   Tags: , , , , ,

Maple Granola

Serving size: ½ cup at home ( ¾ cup for camping)

Estimated calorie and fat content per ½ cup serving:

233kcal, 11.4g total fat, 1.4g saturated fat

Preheat oven to 3250F


0.5 cup sunflower oil
1 cup maple syrup
1 cup wheat germ
0.5 cup soy flakes or grits
1 cup sunflower seed pieces
1 cup blanched peanuts, chop (or crush with rolling pin to separate halves)
1 cup sliced almonds
1 cup rye flakes
7 cup rolled oats


Gently heat oil and maple syrup in a large pot. Remove from heat.

Add remaining ingredients in order one at a time, stirring after each addition.

Spread granola in two roasting pans (dutch oven or cast iron skillets) and toast in the oven, stirring every 10-12 minutes until desired color indicates it is done (about 30 minutes). Pay special attention to the corners of the pans when stirring to avoid burning.  It’s delicious to munch while still warm but allow to cool before storing in an air tight container.

1 comment - What do you think?  Posted by arleighluckett - January 5, 2011 at 1:04 am

Categories: Breakfast, Recipes   Tags: , ,